Readers Weekend: Rom Com Pub Crawl

Ok, the MASH game is a fun fortune telling game that predicts your future by narrowing down options you choose. MASH is an acronym that stands for: mansion, apartment, shack, house. These are your options for where you’re going to live.

You also fill in 4 options for each of the following categories:

  • Where you will live?
  • Who your spouse will be?
  • What your job will be?
  • Number of children you’ll have?
  • What type of car you’ll drive?

These are the categories we used most often when we played as kids, so that’s what I’ve included on the game sheet. However, you can play without the game sheet and include whatever categories you’d like. The unwritten rule was always that at least one option in each category has to be pretty awful, ‘cuz half the fun is finding out you’re gonna be stuck married to The Hulk (just remind kids not to be mean about real people that they know).

Once you’ve filled in all your options, you get to draw the “magic spiral.” Just start with a dot and draw a spiral around it until a friend tells you to stop. Then count how many loops you made – that will be your “magic number”. We’ll use the magic number to narrow down our options until there’s only one single answer left in each category.

Starting with mansion/apartment/shack/house, count down your list of options and stop when you get to the magic number and cross out the option. Continue through your list, crossing out the option you land on each time you count to the magic number. When you get to the end of the list, go back to the beginning and keep counting and crossing items off. As you count be sure to skip anything that’s been crossed off already.

When you get down to the final option left in any category, circle it. Then skip that category completely as you continue counting and crossing off options. When you get down to one circled option in each category, you’re done – and now you know the future! It’s totally silly and lots of fun.






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