Pub Trivia

Here's your chance to share all of the useless knowledge stored in your head that could potentially win you a prize! GPL is hosting pub trivia @ Hoosier Brewing - come grab a beer, a delicious pizza, and settle in for a fun night. Ten questions a round / five rounds of questions.  You can play individually or put together your own team. A prize will be given to the winning team (or individual)!

Upcoming Pub Trivia Nights

Click links to register for specific dates!

80s Movies
Tues | Dec 3 | 6pm

Sample Question: According to Annie Savoy in Bull Durham, where do the lava lizards of the Galapagos Islands breathe?

Holiday Trivia
Tues | Dec 17 | 6pm

Sample Question: In which Christmas song is Santa encouraged to ‘hurry down the chimney tonight’?

90s Movies
Tues | Jan 7 | 6pm
Sample question: Which actress from Downton Abbey is also in the 1992 classic Sister Act in which a nightclub singer is forced to take refuge from the mob in a convent?

Ultimate Pub Trivia
Tues | Jan 21 | 6pm
Sample question: What team won 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s?

Animated Disney Movies
Tues | Feb 4 | 6pm

Sample question: Which Disney character can secretly be seen in Aladdin when the Sultan is building his toy tower?

Ultimate Pub Trivia
Tues | Feb 18 | 6pm

Sample Question: How many years did the 100 years war last?

Find Us
Greenwood Public Library
310 S. Meridian
Greenwood, IN 46143

Library Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed

Curbside Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 11am - 6pm
Friday: 12pm - 4pm
Saturday: 12pm - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
