GPL Book Dash

Are you stuck at home because of an injury or illness?  Temporarily without transportation to get you to the library?  Maybe a parent with very small children that make library visits an impossible excursion?  We're here for you!

GPL Book Dash is a library service designed to help get you the materials you need when you're stuck at home.

Thank you to our van and Book Dash sponsor, Hubler Automotive Group.

If you're able to make it to the library, but don't feel comfortable coming in, please consider using our Curbside Pickup option!

Using GPL Book Dash

  • You must have a valid Evergreen Indiana or Reciprocal Borrower card to participate.
  • Delivery is limited to a 5-mile radius from Greenwood Public Library.  The service is currently limited to residences only.  We are unable to deliver to nursing homes and group homes at this time.
  • The service is available for (3) months at a time.  It's also okay if your situation is temporary and you do not need the entire term limit.  After your (3) months term is up, you are welcome to sign up again!  The library will be limiting the number of households served each month, so there may be a waiting list to participate.
  • Not sure what you want to read?  A staff member can select materials according to your reading preferences.  Or do you have specific titles in mind?  That's cool too!  We're here to help you get what you need.
  • What's available to checkout using the Book Dash service?  Each delivery you can receive up to 20 items per house hold including books, audiobooks and DVDs.  New items, magazines, games and kits are not available through Book Dash at this time.
  • A pickup/drop off date will be scheduled every three weeks.  Staff will bring the items to your porch and pickup any materials that need to be returned to the library.  Someone must be home to accept the delivery on the scheduled date.
Find Us
Greenwood Public Library
310 S. Meridian
Greenwood, IN 46143

Library Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed

Curbside Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 11am - 6pm
Friday: 12pm - 4pm
Saturday: 12pm - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
